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grocery store shelf product recall

Product Contamination & Recall: Are You Protecting Your Assets? 

Take our online assessment to measure your recall savvy

Take the Assessment Now!

Answer 20 quick questions to check your level of recall preparedness in areas such as:

  • Testing and quality control methods
  • Removal and disposal of recalled product
  • Crisis communication and public relations

Receive specific suggestions for improving your top three areas of concern based on your assessment results. Also acquire best practices to help your organization develop a comprehensive recall plan, including:

  • Forming a crisis response team representing key stakeholders
  • Performing mock recalls to test your plan and make improvements

PLUS, read a detailed analysis of product recall insurance, including types of coverage available.

Fill out the form, take the assessment and download your personal report today!


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A collection of articles from the McClone team with the helpful knowledge and insights to ensure your organization is well protected.