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10 Reasons Workplace Safety Training Is a Sound Investment

When Do You Need to Record an Illness or Injury?

Stay OSHA Compliant with better workplace injury recordkeeping decisions

Download the FREE Guide

An employee comes to you to report an injury. What do you do next? 

Is the injury recordable? How do you know?

Determining which incidents require recordkeeping for OSHA can be tricky. Thankfully, our visual guide the OSHA Recordkeeping Decision Tree provides you with a quick reference that can make reporting easier, faster, and much more accurate.OSHAlogs iPhone Mock up (1)

Consult the guide anytime there is an injury or resulting illness and feel confident that you are OSHA compliant and managing the incident properly. Simply fill out the form and receive your free copy of the guide.


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A collection of articles from the McClone team with the helpful knowledge and insights to ensure your organization is well protected.